Earlier this month, Dan Lamoureux and a cavalcade of dorky cast and crew hit up the Wisconsin Film Festival for the premiere of the
Nerdcore For Life documentary. Dan was nice enough to provide a series of
event pictures, and he’s written a rather exhaustive recount of the premiere at the
Crapbot Productions Blog. There are links to some
pretty favorable
reviews, and it seems, despite gross public intoxication and the odd bit of crotch-punching, that the premiere was a rousing success.
My only complaint is the lack of video from the pre-screening nerdcore performance at the Cardinal Bar. With acts like
Former Fat Boys, and special guest
The Great Luke Ski, I’m sure the show was a blast.
C’mon, Dan, I know you’ve got some footage tucked away somewhere!

So was this just a favor to Dan (which would make sense), or has Router returned to nerdcore?
I was just wondering the same thing.
can one really leave nerdcore..
arent we all beneath a steel sky for
a reason, which is lost upon us
arent we all dreaming electrically, that
damn life would be better if I was born
a shinigami.
you cant leave nerdcore, nevvaaaah!
Though I haven't reached Ms. Router for a comment, I assume that this was a one-shot deal for Dan's benefit.
Although Steve does make a valid, existential point. ;)
Interestingly, if you look at the myspace account that you linked to for her, she has a show listed for 6/18 in Fort Worth.
May be she decided to come back to nerdcore (or is testing the waters), but is just avoiding RT? Given the history there, that may not be a bad idea. Either way, best of luck to her.
Unfortunately, I have something going the weekend of the 18th in Colorado, so I can't be there to see it. It's too bad really.
Could be, Matt. Or maybe she’s combining some nerdcore material with her new stuff?
Crap, Soc, so close yet so far!
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