The problem doesn't seem to be the world at large. I mean, it's pretty much the same as it ever was. I'm the reason I'm getting so stressed. It's me. It's always me.
I allow myself to become emotionally invested in some fairly trifling matters, which isn't wrong in and of itself, but then I sometimes let those same things tear me up. I overthink. I overindulge. I overinflate the importance of my own input or become infuriated by the differing opinions of others, and that shit's just not healthy. Worst of all, it's wasteful.
That's what this show is about. Rather than stewing and ranting and giving in to my baser nature, I for once decided to take a step back and just… enjoy things. I resisted my urge to bitch, and instead tried to leverage that energy constructively.
Okay, I mostly resisted my urge to bitch. But, y'know, baby steps.
Download Radio Free Hipster Ep. 109: Shut Up, Have Fun [hosting provided by Antisoc] Size: 43.3 MB Running Time: 47:21
Show Notes:
Intro: Baddd Spellah – "Radio Free Hipster Theme (feat. Beefy)"
Geeky hip-hop? Check. Mash-ups? Check. Whatnot? Oh, I got your what-not right here!
Track 1: Glenn Case and Rachael Layne – "Blackbird"
This is a live cut from Glenn's YouTube channel.
Z's 1st interlude: "Willing to that bet that you suffer from a similar affliction."
Because who doesn't take silly shit too seriously sometime?
Track 2: Illbotz – "Stank Ass Rappas (Feat. Sarah G)"
Really hoping I get a chance to catch Illbotz live at some point in the not-too-distant future. Kind of a longshot, but hope springs eternal.
Track 3: Devo Spice – "Earworm (feat. MC Lars)"
From Devo Spice's new album Gnome Sane.
Track 4: oki – "Love Will Crush us Apart"
oki is working on a project that combines Joy Division instrumentals with female vocalists' a cappellas. It's fairly epic.
Track 5: The Garthim-Master & DJ Extend – "Mynocks & Jawas"
Mynocks! Those fuckers are always chewing on the power cables!
Track 6: Toolshed – "Round Table (feat. More Or Les, Wordburglar and Savilion)"
Just got my proper copy of The Lost. I am nine different kinds of excited!
Track 7: John Anealio – "Angry Robot (dalechase remix)"
I henceforth propose that a guest verse from Robot Dale Chase appear on every song. Every. Song.
Z's 2nd interlude: "Neat little factoids about the bands included."
Although sometimes I do just make that hit up. ;)
Track 8: Sci-Fried – "Tech Support
One of my favorite joints from the new Sci-Fried album
Track 9: DJ Morgoth – "Viva la Vida Mr. Nice Guy"
This one stands as a nice callback to the Death*Star track I played during the podswap, but mostly I just couldn't resist the opportunity to rock out to some Alice Cooper
Track 10: The Efts – "Lyon Among Wolves"
The Efts combine lo-fi anti-folk with chirpy electronica. I find this to be an intoxicating blend.
Track 11: Mike Bauer – "Friday (as performed by Bob Dylan)"
Because yesterday was Thursday.
Z's final interlude: "Really isn't any worse than double-platinum single 'My Humps.'"
Seriously, kids, as bad as that Rebecca Black
Track 12: Adam WarRock – "Meantime"
I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for a rapper to sample Space Hog
This week I'm in the process of changing recording machines. I'm moving from my current laptop to a (hopefully) more stable desktop. This means I'll be tweaking my recording setup as a result, and while I'm at it I might try upping the bitrate of the podcast. I'm noticing some growl on my spoken interludes, and I'm hoping that boosting the fidelity and using a bit less compression can remedy that.
So I guess the only question is would you guys be willing to trade a slightly larger file size for a better quality sound. It's sort of your call.