Okay, I have an announcement to make.And there you have it, my friends. We've been bombarded with messages telling us to vote for months now, and, while they were actually far more likely referring to the November presidential election, the same holds true here. Let your voice be heard!
I can't lie, I want to win this Online Hip Hop Award-- and I need the
peoples' help.
I get asked everyday if I'm gonna make a new Mega Ran album.
So, I'll make a deal with you guys.
I promise to record a NEW Mega Ran EP (tentatively it'll be titled
"Mega Ran 9") using only the music from Mega Man 9.
Best of all-- it'll be FREE to anyone in my Mega Ran group or members
of my forum:
So, all you have to do is vote for the next 5 days, right here:
And help Mega Ran get into office, and I'll show the love right back.
I haven't even announced this to the world yet, and not sure if I will.
BUT-- You're the first to know.
what are you gonna do with the knowledge? and the power?
let MC guns-hoes-and-drugs win the award?
you're gonna make the right choice....right?
There were some weird issues preventing me from getting the votes I
needed yesterday, but they seem to be revolved.
remember-- I win, you win.. WE Win.
now tell someone!!
I'm Random and I approve this message.
Help out your boy Ran, and he'll hook you up with more Mega Man inspired tracks. That's a fair deal if ever there was one.