Le sigh. Such is life.
This episode is sort of a grab bag with songs about monsters and witches and a handful of out-and-out Halloween-y joints. May they find you in good health and prepare you for an evening of happy haunting.
Download Radio Free Hipster Ep. 98: From Beyond [hosting provided by Antisoc] Size: 42.3 MB Running Time: 46:15 Subscribe to RFH
Show Notes:
Intro: Baddd Spellah – "Radio Free Hipster Theme (feat. Beefy)"
This Halloween I am going trick-or-treating dressed as Beef Thompson.
Track 1: Sticks Downey – "C.H.U.D."
In case you missed this slice of 80's horror schlock, you can score your very own copy of C.H.U.D. for, like six bucks. Seriously
Z's 1st interlude: "Just two away from my big centennial."
I am excited! Are you excited?
Track 2: Chibibo – "Halloween"
A full year after its original release, I am still listening to Eightbreeders.
Track 3: voicedude – "Keeping Halloween Fly"
I'm not particularly fond of "Keepin' Halloween Alive" or "Pretty Fly (for a White Guy)
Track 4: Dino-Mike – "Halloween Night"
Is it weird that I heard multiple "Fireflies
Track 5: John Anealio – "A Stormtrooper for Halloween"
John just dropped this track a couple of weeks back, so I had to include it just in case any of you missed its subtle genius.
Track 6: The Oceanic Six – "Monster Eats the Pilot"
Sometimes I really miss LOST
Track 7: Insane Ian – "We're All Gonna Die (feat. Kiki Canon, Devo Spice and Schaffer the Darklord)"
"I'm not gonna die before I've touched a boob."
Z's 2nd interlude: "A couple of tracks about witchy women."
My only regret is that I only mocked The Eagles
Track 8: Navi – "Bad Juju"
Navi seems to write a lot of songs about evil women, but this one sounds particularly sinister.
Track 9: I Fight Dragons – "Sorcery"
I snagged this one from the I Fight Dragons mailing list. That should be reason enough for you to sign up yourself.
Track 10: Jack Black – Be Kind Rewind dialog / voicedude – "Ghostbusters N Stuff"
Two voicedude tracks in a single episode? Yep, because they fuckin' slay!
Track 11: Sci-Fried – "Too Many Zombies"
I honestly didn't realize this was a Primus
Track 12: Timbuktu – "X-Files (feat. Chokeules & D-Sisive)"
Another find selection from our neighbors to the north.
Z's final interlude: "Once you've finished your weekend haunting."
How bad does it suck that Halloween falls on a Sunday this year?!
Track 13: Marc with a C – "Shock Treatment"
Someday I really must remember to ask Marc who sings the exquisite harmony vocals on this track.
The next episode will be wonderfully theme-free. I've amassed a ton of amazing new tracks over the past few weeks, and I am itching to share them.
Of course I could also be persuaded to play a special request or two. You know how I do.
I promised myself I wouldn't bug y'all anymore for input into late-November's 100th episode, but, alas, I cannot resist. So please tell me what you wanna hear and leave me some nice listener voicemail.
Don't make me beg.