But before I tend to those tasks, I find myself in need of your input, faithful readers.
At Nerdapalooza 2009 there was a special, informal event known as the Hipster, please! Meet-and-Greet. Yes, I am well aware that I didn't attend Nerdapalooza 2009, let alone my own meet-and-greet, but that's neither here nor there.
My question is simple; would those of you in attendance like to do something like this again this year?
Let me be straight with you: this isn't at all about meeting me. That shit is laughable. Rather, it's just about tying in with some folks before the event to hang out, introduce ourselves and maybe make some new friends.
Because of this year's extended performance schedule – 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM both days – finding a time to meet-up before the day's events is a bit of a daunting task, but if those of you in and around the Orlando Airport Marriott are interested, I am more than willing to get up a little early so we can convene and shoot the proverbial shit.
If any of you folks are down, just leave a comment and we'll hash out the details. And if not? Well then I'll just see you inside. :)