May really is a workhorse of a month when it comes to dubious holidays. In addition to containing the well-meaning but
thickly commercialized Mother's Day it has also been recently minted
Zombie Awareness Month. Oh, and this year it likewise played host to
Not-Quite-the-End-of-the-World Day, which I think we can agree is a nice touch. To commemorate two of these three delightful fauxlidays – and the third as well if you're willing to stretch a bit – the
Zombie Research Society has released a fun new book that has been described as "a cautionary tale that teaches kids how to recognize a zombie outbreak in its earliest stage."
Written by the Matt Mogk, head of the ZRS, and colorfully illustrated by Aja Wells,
That's Not Your Mommy Anymore
is what could easily be called a children's book for adults. Falling somewhere between the classic
Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book
and the currently buzz-worthy
Go the Fuck to Sleep
, it's a simple, lyrical anti-bedtime story that explains with childlike wonder the warning signs of early-onset zombism.
Combining nods to touchstones like
Night of the Living Dead,
Return of the Living Dead and
Zombi 2 with a certain skewed Seussian sensibility, it's really little more than horror film fan service. But that's enough for me.
Written with tongue firmly in cheek,
That's Not Your Mommy Anymore doesn't bother to step outside its kiddie book shtick, and it doesn't have to. At 32 pages, it never overstays its welcome, and, though neither the art style nor the simple sing-song narrative are exactly ground-breaking, both are competently managed and play extremely well together.
A mere 8 bones at Amazon
That's Not Your Mommy Anymore
is what I would term an easy recommendation. Leave a copy around your den, office or dorm room to shock and amuse unsuspecting guests, or maybe snap one up for the new geekparent in your life.

And while I'm making this solitary sojourn into the
Hipster, please! Undead Book Club, let me also shine my own gritty light on 2010
Philip K. Dick Award nominee
The Reapers Are the Angels
by Alden Bell, a book I picked up on the good word of
Seattle Geekly. The first real grown-up book I've managed to read this year, this novel runs the typical zombie apocalypse survival story through the filter of naturalism, both
philosophical and
While properties like
The Walking Dead
tend to project the arc of the zombie holocaust to a fairly linear mid-point, Bell takes a different approach. His tale of adolescent protagonist Temple, a girl who's lived her entire life in a world populated by ravenous meatskins, takes place after the hysteria and the looting and roving bands of gangs vying for control of meager resources.
It is instead a world that has at last achieved an odd equilibrium, a land of scarce reconstruction where hope for the future is tempered by a measured acceptance of its present reality. Beautifully penned in the voice of a hardened southern illiterate who, despite both her own flaws and those of the world around her, still manages to see the beauty and order of nature's machinery,
The Reapers Are the Angels is a tale that begs to be experienced.
And thus concludes what appear to be reviews of two
books. As opposed to, y'know, albums. Which are more firmly in my wheelhouse.
I hope that the shock of this unlikely missive hasn't driven anyone to an early grave. But if it has, I reckon we can all agree that's an oddly appropriate outcome.