Wow, that was a terrible way to start this off.
At any rate, I am not alone in my love for the series, so I had little problem rounding up contributors for a Doctor Who-themed compilation project. Which I will now dispense to you. Freely.
I actually went at this compilation a little differently than my previous endeavors. First and foremost, I didn't put quite so much emphasis on exclusive material. Don't get me wrong, there's some new hotness herein, but I also relied a bit on the tracks that inspired the original concept.
My friends Videogame Orchestra let me include their stellar theme song cover that's been in circulation for a while, and Navi from Metamystiks Inc let me toss in their classic track "Superior Beings," which, while not a Doctor Who song, per se, makes fantastic use of Dalek samples.
DJ Bentelli likewise hooked me up with his amazing mc chris mash-up that samples, among other things, "Doctorin' the TARDIS," while both Antisoc and Dale Chase let me use Who-flavored tracks from their forthcoming albums.
I also mined the sub-(sub-sub?)genre of Time Lord Rock in the form of contributions from Turn Left (AKA: The Geek Chic Band, AKA: RiddleTM, AKA: Victoria and Georgia) and The Vashta Nerada (featuring my internet homegirl MaryBeth), a pair of tracks you may also have happened across in your musical journeys.
Still, I have to give fervent props to rapper MC_Loki, chiprocker Jonny Nero Action Hero, mad Canadian genius Snake Eyes and my old jangle-rockin' pal Brux for contributing brand new material.

Sure, I intended for it to be digested as a whole, but this is the internet and folks seldom do as you anticipate. And thusly, here is Visitations: A Musical Tribute to Doctor Who, the latest Hipster, please! compilation album with a name that is itself a tribute to the property in question, to enjoy as you see fit.
Much love to all the contributors, to the killer design team of Talkie Tim and Spiky Zebra, without which you'd still be waiting on this album's release, and to you. Because you rock. And you know this.
Download Visitations: A Musical Tribute to Doctor Who in its entirety right the hell here.
Individual downloads for those with lousy connections:
1. MC_Loki - "Who be the Man?"[Explicit]
2. Videogame Orchestra - "Doctor Who Theme"
3. Metamystiks Inc - "Superior Beings (feat. ArmageddonMan)" [Explicit]
4. Jonny Nero Action Hero - "Cyber Octicks (feat. Audio in the Pregap)"
5. DJ Bentelli - "mc chris for the TARDIS" [Explicit]
6. Dale Chase - "Who's Your Doctor?"
7. The Vashta Nerada - "Song for the Doctor"
8. Brux Callison & The Entangled Photons - "C'mon Leela (Put Your Knife Away)"
9. Antisoc - "The Doctor is In"
10. Turn Left - "There's No Such Thing as Impossible"
11. Snake Eyes - "Blink"
Life's just not worth living without a handy playlist.
And here are some liner notes. Because everyone wants to read another few hundred words of my foolishness.
Don't forget those amazing front and back cover images I was telling you about.
And for folks who just can't abide a digital release, here's a printable version of both to dress up that burned CD.