Think about it; back in the proverbial day the con season was synonymous with summer, but now, ably book-ended by events like PAX East and Dragon*Con, it's sort of grown to encompass everything from early spring to damn-near autumn!
Sadly, as my opportunities for travel are always fairly limited, I have to reserve my excitement for the event(s) that I actually stand a snowball's chance in Hell of actually attending. Currently, this means my old stomping ground Nerdapalooza. (Although, in the interest of full disclosure, I was recently invited to head out west for Maker Faire this May as well. #fingerscrossed)
But rather than reflect on 'Paloozas past, I'd instead like take a look to the future, to this very year's festival. I know Hex and company are planning to continue in the proud tradition of mixing shit up this time around, adding more gaming and merch and visual aspects to the proceedings, but I want to focus on the festival's most prominent feature: the music.
More specifically, I'd like to pick your brains as to who you'd like to see perform this summer in the sweltering Orlando heat.
Now I am in no way a duly deputized representative of Nerdapalooza, and I'm not data mining on behalf of Hex Warrior or EMPulse or A Comic Shop or any of our other Floridian allies. This is just me wondering aloud who your best-case-scenario picks would be for musical entertainment at Nerdapalooza 2010.
Personally, I'd love to see all the locals and our out-of-town regulars – Frontalot, Uncle Monsterface, Dual Core, STD, etc. – as well as some of last year's debuts like Beefy, Shael, Scrub Club and The Protomen.
As for new blood, I'd hope for more geek rock, specifically cats like Kirby Krackle and Wrockers such as The Whomping Willows and Nagini/The Vashta Nerada. On the hip-hop end, as I'm always down for hip-hop, Dale Chase pretty much needs to be there. I'm also really interested in the prospect of a few more danceable chip musicians like Starscream or 8 Bit Weapon coming on as a late night headliner, and I'm wholly in favor of bringing in more international talent like Jesse D or Pixelh8.
Oh, and three words: Optimus. Rhyme. Reunion.
But enough of my yammering. Who's on your Nerdapalooza wish list?