Slated for May 7th from 9:00 PM to midnight, Double's Dash 3 will again invite teams of two to write and record a full track (including vocals) in a scant three hours.
The event is open to all comers via #ThaSauce on irc.enterthegame.com, and partners are chosen at the start of the event. A listening party will, of course, follow.
Straight from the horse's mouth:
Overview:For further details, peep the Facebook event page or hit up Shael /your homies at ThaSauce. Most importantly, holler at me when you're done so I can hear your submissions. You know how I do.
Teams of two write, record and upload to ThaSauce a vocal pop song in under three hours and twenty minutes. There is no theme, but teammates are not to be chosen until 15 minutes prior to the start of the compo, thereby providing an X-factor.
Typically, one team member handles the instrumental and production, while the other handles lyrics and vocals, but that's not a rule; division of labor can be handled in any way a team sees fit, though it is not in the spirit of the event for one team member to do everything while the other sits idle.
Teammate-choosing happens in #ThaSauce on irc.enterthegame.com, 15 minutes prior to the compo's start. Listening party, in the same IRC channel, immediately follows the compo's completion.
After the listening party, entrants and non-entrants alike can vote for their three favorite songs from all entries. Voting is open for 10 days, and is open to anyone.
• Gotta have vocals.
• Gotta have lyrics.
• No choosing teammate until the teammate-choosing period 15 minutes prior to the compo's start.
• No working on your song at all before the compo begins.
• Completed submissions are to be uploaded in mp3 format, encoded at no higher than 192 kbps.
Because of ThaSauce's account-based upload system, either member of a given team may upload his team's submission. However, both should not. If you are your team's designated uploader, make sure you note your teammate in your song's description, and give your team a cool name. (Cool names only. Teams with lame names automatically forfeit.)
By participating in this compo, you should...
• Enjoy a fun game.
• Make a good song.
• Have a rare opportunity to hone your ability as a co-writer.
Presented by ThaSauce and hosted by Shael Riley
1 comment:
sounds fun, I should be in
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