At any rate, I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll be getting extravagantly drunk tonight. The kind of drunk that requires a soundtrack. Thankfully, you have me to turn to with regard to such matters.
First, let me remind everyone that today is the last day you'll be able to download Optimus Rhyme's TransfORmed EP for free. It's from Optimus, so you know it's a quality release, but moreover it's all about growth, evolution, and moving on. Thus, it's exactly the kind of thing that would suit an epic New Year's party. Grab it before the ball drops.
Also on the subject of relevant music for tonight's festivities, it's been brought to my attention that a pair of retrospective mash-up compilations have recently been released, also on the free. Simon Iddol, whom I am proud to consider one of my Tweeple, dropped his Mash-ups of the Year a week or two back. It's an exemplary collection that manages to touch on a number of tracks that stayed under my radar throughout 2008.
Also on tap – and I actually got a message about this directly from A plus D, which makes a lad feel important – is Best of Bootie 2008.The Bootie collections are always heavily slanted toward the most danceable bastard pop constructs of the previous year, and this is certainly no exception. It boasts a 20-track continuous mix plus 13 bonus cuts; not a bad deal for the low, low price of nuthin'.
So listen in good health, and happy New Year to all.
Oh, and my suggestions for your last song of '08/first song of '09 are as follows:
"Darryl Hannah" - Optimus Rhyme available on TransfORmed
"Paper Rump (Wreckx-N-Effect vs. M.I.A.)" - DJ Tripp available on Best of Bootie 2008
I'm just sayin'.
i don't think i've thanked you enough for turning me onto mashtown. you threw a link on the obama mixtape back in novemeber and i've been hooked since then. :D
I'm scared by how feminine Snoop Dogg looks.
Mashuptown is the shit, Hex. Plain and simple Simon Iddol's Audio Porn Central and Bootie USA keep the hits coming as well.
Snoop believes in life after love, funk. He also wants your phone number. :P
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