How important is said hat? Important enough, apparently, to warrant litigation. Pitchfork Media says:
Devo bassist Gerald Casale-- who designed the trademarked energy dome headgear-- is quoted as saying, "This New Wave Nigel doll that they've created is just a complete Devo rip-off and the red hat is exactly the red hat that I designed, and it's copyrighted and trademarked. We're in the midst of suing them...they didn't ask us anything. Plus, we don't like McDonald's, and we don't like 'American Idol', so we're doubly offended."Looks like my Happy Meal just got significantly less jovial.
Fot those of you in the audience too young to totally grok the depths of this beef, here's the Casale-directed video for "Whip It," a piece that introduced many a slack-jawed Booji Boy to the band that repped nerds in the age of excess. Note the funky hats.
"Plus, we don't like McDonald's, and we don't like 'American Idol', so we're doubly offended."
That's the best thing I've read all day. Power to the people!
I don't know how to feel about this:
That is all.
get those greasy mother humpers devo!!!
Oh yeah, Snidge, DEVO have been fighting back against banal consumer culture for as long as I've been alive. :)
I just think it's funny, Church.
You tell 'em, funk!
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