Monday, June 23, 2008

I wish my brother George was here.

Hey, folks.

I’ve got a new edition of the Radio Free Hipster podcast that I’m just putting some final touches on right now. It should be up this afternoon, but first I wanted to commiserate the passing of comic luminary George Carlin.

As my friend Matt is often quick to point out, our contemporary flavor of nerd culture – our modern nerd revolution, if you will - is intrinsically linked to the classic counterculture of the 60’s and 70’s. Carlin’s unique brand of clever, anti-establishment humor was very much a part of that movement. It was unafraid to challenge norms. It was far more concerned with being smart and accurate, with being thought-provoking, than with being accepted.

And that’s nerdcore.


Glenn Case said...

This was very sad news indeed. A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about how much I would love to see him perform live. It didn't happen.

Whenever I sign up for a message board, and there is a place to fill in my occupation, I always enter the word 'foole' in the blank. The man will be sorely missed.


glenn case

Z. said...

Well said, Glenn. Well said.