I spend a good deal of my time here ruminating on geeky issues, but I seldom get to talk about “dad stuff” so it was it was a big deal for me to get to explore the latter and its relation to the former. We talked about everything from table-top gaming to bread making to the 50th anniversary of the modern Lego brick to Li’l X’s new “tattoo.” I had a blast, to say the least.
Special thanks go out to panelist Dan Olson and Vincent Janoski for being so welcoming, to my man Brian Little for extending the invite, and to editor Ken Denmead for making it all happen. Hopefully I didn’t come off sounding like a total jackass, and if I did, Ken, I expect you to fix that in post. ;)
The show in question is Episode 11, and it should pop up on the RSS soon. Take a listen, and be sure to give the Geekdad blog some love as well.
EDIT: And here it is! Check out The GeekDads Episode 11: You Too Can Purchase A Tattoo For Your Child.

I think Geeky Godfather is the closest i'm getting right now to any of this. I did by my 7 month old goddaughter a Nintendog though, rather than any non-nerdy plain stuffed dog.
Anyway, I just wanted to let Z, and everyone else who reads these comments know that we officially announced my site's mario rpg compilation it's called Heavy Troopa is Ready to Launch!
Peep the news through here! Also please Digg it if possible. and Z, pleeeeaaaase post something about it. =D
Church, I just realized that I neglected to namedrop the GF when I talked about X's shirt. Please extend my apologies. :(
Geeky Godfather totally counts, Ant! And I've just posted MNNIB with the new comp heavily pimped therein.
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