While visiting my mother for Thanksgiving I saw this preposterous bit of graffiti on a stop sign in the old neighborhood. My little sister, who still lives on that same mill hill, was nice enough to snap a picture of it for me on her cell phone.
I can only assume the hillbilly hellraiser in question meant to scrawl the expletive “fuck” on the sign. Instead he wrote the significantly less offensive “folk,” which, I suppose, is a homophone if your accent is thick enough.
I weep for the American educational system.

Hmmm. I read that as "STOP Folk (music)"
Yeah, may be the guy just has a thing about folk music?
So this cat just hates Woody Guthrie? ;)
May be he's a purest and doesn't like people using the word folk when they're referring to traditional music. You'd be surprised the number of folks who get their nose out of shape over that kind of stuff. Kind like how I get annoyed when people call all string band music bluegrass.
So, its less 'Stop folk' as in stop playing it and more 'stop folk' as in stop saying it.
Interesting take, Matt, but I can't picture those kind of guys spraypainting stop signs!
The artist was expressing his distaste for the musical genre.
Church you may be surprised, those folkies are weird cats. Totally straight lace in someways and fucking bizarre freaks in others. And god can those cats drink. Remind me someday to tell you about the weekend I spent at Merle Fest in Western NC. Pretty much the most perfect musical fest in the world. Just enough structure to keep things moving smoothly while also letting people just exist as they want.
lol gang signs
I think he meant to write "stop, folks" but ran out of space.
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