How do things of this nature happen in modern, civilized locales? I mean, I've never been to Oregon, but it seems... y'know... First World.
Now, while I take a handful of Xanax and cower under my desk, feel free to enjoy the Nerd News in Brief.
- Like a regular blog, only more so: My boy TG from Northwest Nerdcore recently happened across a very interesting nerdcore meta-blog. It pulls feeds from the blogs of such dorktastic artists as MC Frontalot, mc chris, Optimus Rhyme, Jesse Dangerously, and Beefy and slaps 'em into one managable package. Good stuff.
- Live from Texas: Oddioblender posted a couple of tracks from his weekend performance at Dreamworld on his MySpace. Head over and check ‘em out. Word has it there's a live version of "You Are All Replaceable." RAWK!
- More social than you’d think: Nerdcore artist (and my very own home-skillet) Antisocial is participating in this week’s Song Fight!; which is surprising as I’ve always considered him a Song Pacifist. But this is neither here nor there. Go check out his track “Evil April” and all of the other submissions that just so happen to have the same name.
- The many faces of nerdcore: Nerdapalooza co-founder Hex Warrior recently had a piece published in FORUM entitled “What is Nerdcore.” It examines not only nerdcore hip hop, but also other delightful flavors of nerdy music. It’s a great read and an excellent primer for n00bs.
- Step 3 - Profit: My Parents Favorite Music have new t-shirts available for purchase at their MySpace. You need one, ‘cause, let’s face it, your wardrobe is kinda ass. Head over there and give Stellar and Steffo some scratch!
- Don’t blame me: Church passed this on, and I am honor-bound to do the same. It’s “The Trouble with Tribbles” as retold in lolcat. Don't even act like that doesn't interest you.
- Cinco de Geeko: And lastly, on a squishy, personal note, this Saturday was a big day for the Family Z. as it was both Free Comic Book Day and Cinco de Mayo. Being that Li’l X. is Mexican-American (on his mum’s side) and Nerd (on mine), it was quite an occasion. We had a day of geeky frolicking and a night of burritos. I even took a few pictures.

Wait. You took your kid someplace that had men in superhero costumes and burritos?
I would like to request that people not blindly vote for me without listening to the other songs first. From the sound of it, nobody on the boards likes my track. :-D
It's cool, Church; they're still holding Cap. ;)
Oh c'mon, Soc, let us friend-flood ya! Just this once? :D
I still like my song more than any of the others, but they don't really care for it.
And truthfully, I really can't stop you from friend flooding. :-D
You heard him, folks. Nerdcore is nothing unless it's pissing off Song Fighters! ;)
I made some nerdy music....
you can get my new free EP here:
it's not nerdcore rapping though.
but give it a shot.
People with website-making skills, go check out and enter our impromptu contest!
-Tanuki, in ur comments, advertisin' on ur space
Thanks for the hook-up, J-chot. I'm enjoying the EP.
And good luck with the redesign, Nook. I was gonna offer to mention it in MNNIB, but it looks like you've already got a ton of takers. :D
OH SNAP!! thanks for the kind words, man! it means a lot!
No problem, Hex. Always glad to help the cause. :D
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