Thursday, December 14, 2006

Nerd life the career

You love YTCracker and I love YTCracker and now it appears as though G4 loves YTCracker! In what can only be called the smartest move made by the network in… well… an incredibly long time, G4 gave props to the ODG himself on a recent edition of Attack of the Show. What’s more, the blog dedicated to The Feed, the segment for which YTC made a new theme song, posted the track in its entirety along with lyrics, some more nerd love, and the promise of a forthcoming Webcam interview.

STC is the greatest!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Serious love from G4. Good for YT.

Z. said...

No doubt! It’s nice to see G4 do something that’s not related to picking up shitty shows from the FOX network. ;)