So while I drown my sorrows with cheap table wine and a third re-reading of Animal Man #5, peep the following press release:
In the past 3 years of touring comic book conventions all over the the country resulting in four albums and a tour in Australia in 2011, KIRBY KRACKLE has become one of the top nerd-rock bands in the genre creating a grass roots movement of music revolving around their unique brand of songs about the comic characters, video games, and the pop-culture we love. This past summer the band released their new album, Super Powered Love as well as the punkish The Watcher; a song written for and soon to be released by MARVEL COMICS.(Okay, it doesn't explicitly state that "Booty do Math" will be performed each night, but hope springs eternal. Right?)
Co-headling the tour is ADAM WARROCK, who in just 3 years has become a well-known, musically prolific, and respected name in the genre of nerd-core and indie rap off the success of The Browncoats Mixtape, and having just completed a 3 month tour with MC LARS and MC CHRIS. This trip marks his first headlining tour on the west coast.
Proper dates and a handy-dandy venue list are available for your perusal. And if you happen to be near any of these tour stops, please promise me that you'll do your part to help my boys have a great time in your burg.
You lucky, lucky bastards.
It can be worse. I am playing a show in Seattle the weekend before this, and so I probably won't be able to make it down the following weekend for this tour. /musician living barely abroad problems
Yeah, Karl, a narrow miss always hurts more!
Could be worse, you could be in the UK.
I'm just saying.
Ugh, the 'near miss' thing reminds me of one time Method Man was doing a show in London... and I was in Switzerland that weekend! Bloody Switzerland.
You guys make an excellent point; a moment of silence for our European brothers and sisters who tend to miss out on all the tours by American geek artists.
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