And while I imagine everypony has already heard about this one, those of you that don't have an army of the MLP-faithful bending your ear toward the new sounds of Equestria may have missed a recent fan-centered mash-up release.
Discord Days is a full 20 minutes of Gorillaz's Demon Days cast against music and dialog from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic from YouTuber and veritable geek-of-all-trades Psycosis. It's provided as a free download as both a continuous mix and cut into 15 bite-sized pieces. Whatever's your pleasure.
Give the embed below a gander to try this ambitious project on for size, and much love to my pal Jarod for passing this one my way!
Thanks for posting this Z! If people are interested in hearing more from this guy, here is a 40 min mashup that all of the season 1 songs: http://soundcloud.com/psycosis91/mashups-are-magic-02
No, thank you, J! :) And I am currently rocking out to his "Pinkie Party Anthem."
Sweet. I knew you would like it since you enjoy your mashups. Psycosis does a great job with these and I can't wait to hear more.
They're both sweet *and* tasty, Jimi! :P
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