My brother kHill actually leaked word of this project to me a while back, but I was sworn to secrecy. Thankfully as of this AM the cat is fully out of the bag, so I can at last share with you my excitement for Adam WarRock's forthcoming Browncoats Mixtape.
Now before you watch the following embed I'd like to point out two things. The first is the fuckin' theme song-based beat used for the bulk of the teaser. That shit is hot! Second is the fact that the official project page lists the release time as "Fall 2011," which ain't too far away.
Hot Shite!
Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it myself, Steve. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a sneak preview performance at Nerdapalooza.
This sounds great!
Agreed, Doc. Adam and I talked more about it at Nerdapalooza. I really think this one is gonna wow a lot of people.
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