Unlike previous years, where the theme has been love in a larger sense, this time around each one of the song titles contains the actual word "love" or some apparent derivation.
Clever concept or lazy song selection? You be the judge!
Download Radio Free Hipster Ep. 105: C'est L'amour [hosting provided by Antisoc] Size: 42.4 MB Running Time: 46:19
Show Notes:
Intro: Baddd Spellah – "Radio Free Hipster Theme (feat. Beefy)"
I love 'em both!
Track 1: DJ Moule – "Good Love, Good Rock"
Led Zeppelin
Z's 1st interlude: "Perhaps even more literally than in years past."
I'll give iTunes one thing – it does make searching for song titles containing a certain word a breeze!
Track 2: The Remus Lupins – "Lovely Lily
Not my favorite vocal delivery from Alex, but easily one of the band's best instrumental performances.
Track 3: the1shanti – "I *heart* Olivia Munn (ElekTro4 Remix)"
From Tru Statement Entertainment's F?@K LOVE.
Track 4: Q-Unit – "Old Fashioned Outta Control Lover"
Q-Unit's Greatest Hits was the first proper mash-up album I ever downloaded in its entirety.
Track 5: Super Bad dialog / OxygenStar – "I Used to Love Her"
Rather than my typical romance movie sound clips, this time around I went for more of a bromance thing.
Track 6: Sprites – "I Love You, You Retard
From their phenomenal Modern Gameplay
Track 7: I Love You, Man dialog / Hellostereo – "Digital Love"
"Digital Love
Z's 2nd interlude: "And now we are gonna head right back into the music."
A listener recently told me that I keep my between-set commentary short and to the point. I'm actually pretty proud of that fact.
Track 8: Illbotz – "Give a Little Love"
Perm's Charlie Sheen line still cracks me up!
Track 9: Ookla the Mok – "Guggenheim Love
And I followed that up with yet another great comedy track.
Track 10: Maroon 5 vs. Marvin Gaye – "This Healing Love"
This particular mash-up was shared with me by my good friend Glenn Case.
Track 11: Warp 11 – "Replicate My Love
Warp 11 remains the most delightfully filthy act in Trek Rock.
Z's final interlude: "And that is some bullshit."
For those not familiar with the game, all of the background music for this episode comes from Animal Crossing. K.K. Slider FTW!
Track 12: HDninja – "No Love Song"
Since I mentioned how I felt HDninja was under-appreciated last ep, I decided to include them in this show as well.
These lovey-dovey editions are always greeted a certain amount of ambiguity depending on how each individual listener views the subject of romance and it's place in this particular holiday. That's why this time I went more with love as a lyrical device than as an inspirational concept.
Maybe it worked – maybe it didn't. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out, and I hope you dug it too.
But either way, consider it my Valentine's gift to you. You know, 'cause of my undying love and whatnot.
Great episode! Thanks for introducing me to Illbotz, "Give A Little Love" is an awesome track! :)
Glad you dug it, Darryl. And thanks for listening! :)
Pun about how much I loved this episode
Followed by the #bazinga hash-tag, of course, Jimi.
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