I have yet to fully grasp the whole "literal video" YouTube phenomenon. I mean, thanks to the fine folks at
Know Your Meme I now understand that a "Take on Me" send-up from
Funny or Die started the revolution, but I guess I just find the concept more humorous in theory than in actual application.
That being said, I was introduced yesterday to this literal interpretation of Frontalot's "
Spoiler Alert
" vid by bassist/man about town
Bl4k Lotus, and I really dig it. Maybe it's because Brandon is my homeboy. Maybe it's just because the video – even in its
original form – is so perfectly surreal that it appeals to my inner absurdist.
I dunno.
Anyway, here it is. Give it a look, and feel free to weigh in.
It is rare for me to find one of the "literal" videos that I like too. I do enjoy this one though.
Glad to hear it, Randolph. :)
My favorite literal video will always be Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart."
This is the first 'literal video' I've seen! It's weird...but has potential to be interesting!
The weirder the video, the better the literal version is. It's going to be hard to top this one.
I haven't seen that one, Anonymous Stranger, but I'll look it up.
It's a nice introduction to the concept, Lo.
Agreed, Church - this one is so silly that it really works well when taken literally.
I actually really enjoy the literal videos, but honestly, the only two hat work are the Take on Me and aforementioned Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse...and now this one.
Glad to know that even those who enjoy the medium are discriminating viewers, Ian. ;)
I didn't know this had turned into a meme, but I like most of the videos by the original literal video people (including Take On Me and Total Eclipse). This one's pretty good too, although perhaps not quite as literal as I would have liked.
Sure it could be more literal-er, but it has bears, Anarch! Warrior bears! ;)
I can dig it! I think of that as more of a characteristic of the original video though.
Tis true. Perhaps Brandon doesn't get as literal as he could with some of the scenes.
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