That being said, this edition is positively loaded with studious hip-hop, quirky covers and bitpop galore, so I can't imagine you'll mind.
Download Radio Free Hipster Ep. 102: Double Stuf [hosting provided by Antisoc] Size: 61.5 MB Running Time: 1:07:16 Subscribe to RFH
Show Notes:
Intro: Baddd Spellah – "Radio Free Hipster Theme (feat. Beefy)"
Spellah and Beefy, or as I like to call them Father Time and Baby New Year.
Track 1: Illbotz – "At the Trap" / "Gyeah!"
I can't help but admire Stevie D's near preternatural whiteness!
Z's 1st interlude: "That's exactly what I'm gonna do today."
Yep, my usual year-end show. Don't even act surprised.
Track 2: Wordburglar – "Walking Dope"
New hotness from Burg!
Track 3: Glee dialog / Harry and the Potters & Erwin Beekveld – "Felix Felicis [Eighth Clockwise Stir Mix]"
Because a reggae-dub Wizard Rock remix is exactly the kind of thing every New Year's Eve party needs.
Track 4: Hidden Fortress – "Apotheosis (feat. Modulok)"
I'll be reviewing Hidden Fortress's All That Is next month.
Track 5: The Office dialog / Doctor Popular – "Möbius Strip Tease"
In case you missed it, Doc's Beeps and Smudges is truly his best release yet.
Track 6: The Vitrolum Republic – "Make Believe Girlfriend
Featuring the talents of fellow GeekDad Chuck Lawton.
Track 7: Never Yet Contested – "Get it Down"
Speaking of, I spotlighted NYC's "Retro" single on GeekDad back in November. Since that time the EP has been released in earnest, and I highly suggest you give it a listen.
Track 8: Tetrastar – "Crank That"
Superpowerless also covered this track with his previous project Scared of Dinosaurs.
Track 9: The Grammar Club – "Super Girls and Ghosts"
On Christmas Day the Club dropped their long awaited follow-up release MC Horse Rides Again.
Track 10: Say Anything
It occurred to me that, though I've talked a lot about his latest album, I haven't actually played anything from Sink or Swim We'll Go Together. This situation has now been remedied.
Z's 2nd interlude: "This marathon exposition."
The good news is that this episode features a larger-than-usual collection of songs. The bad is that it also features more of me talking.
Track 11: A Little Dead Podcast bumper / YTCracker – "Take a Knee
Because "Quarterback Kneel" doesn't have as nice a ring to it.
Track 12: sadnes – "Bittersweet Symphony"
Yet another amazing cover from sadnes.
Track 13: Selfhelp – "The Rent is Too Damn High (feat. Ill Seer, prod. by Hoodee)"
The wise words of Jimmy McMillan's core platform celebrated in song. Next up, a track about marrying a shoe. Please?
Track 14: I Fight Dragons – "The Power of Love
I love the original
Track 15: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers dialog / A-1 – "Black Ranger"
A-1's After School Special mixtape is a thing of beauty, and the perfect companion piece to Doctor Octoroc's After These Messages.
Track 16: Benjamin Bear – "Burning Away (feat. Jaylyn Hindle)"
Your second dose of Jaylyn.
Z's final interlude: "Another year of my own exploration into nerd-friendly music."
For the record, next year marks my 5th!
Track 17: Girl Talk – "That's Right"
Likely the best moment of Girl Talk superlative All Day mix.
Thanks to all the listeners new and old that came along with me throughout 2010. It was a great year for the podcast. I mean shit, I won an award! What more can a fellow ask?
Looking forward to 2011, inspired by a particularly interesting listener voicemail I think I'll kick off the year with an upbeat mixtape-style show. From there the sky's the limit, so feel free to hit me up with your own requests or show ideas.
And until then, Happy New Year to all!
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