The exception to this, of course, is during Drunken Podcasting Month. It's the one time a year when I don't mind letting the show run long. And run long it does.
This year's drunkcast clocks in at nearly 2 hours. During that time Matt, Church and I play a lot of music and talk a lot of shit. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it.
Only, y'know, with less vomiting.
Download Radio Free Hipster Ep. 96: Drunk and Awe [hosting provided by Antisoc] Size: 95.9 MB Running Time: 1:44:47 Subscribe to RFH
Show Notes:
Spellah and Beefy are like vodka and tonic, or in my case cream soda and root beer schnapps.
Track 1: Adam WarRock – "Millie Got a Pull List"
I was lucky enough to score a review copy of Adam's The War for Infinity. I'll be sharing my impressions soon.
1st drunken interlude: Wherein I welcome Matt to the show, we admit to being lazy and I mispronounce the words "kick" and "WarRock."
Matt and I started drinking pretty early on the night we recorded this, so by the time we started actually doing the show we were both pretty far along. It's also worth noting that the more I drink, the worse my accent becomes. I was making vowel sounds not even present in the English language by the time we finally signed off.
Track 2: Beefy
I now consider this to be the definitive Tanner4105 beat.
Track 3: Marc with a C – "Laura, I Need Medicine"
I love that Marc rhymes scrotum with "wrote 'em."
Track 4: Keith Moon & Ringo Starr dialog / Inverse Phase – "Say it ain't sixty-FO"
This Moon/Starr clip is another one that I've had sitting around for ages.
Track 5: Hidari – "Seishun Marina"
I always enjoy Hidari, but when I drink I'm more likely to try and sing along.
Track 6: Random – "Drop the Load (Mustin Mix)"
Mustin has a great "making of" vid of this track available via YouTube.
2nd drunken interlude: Wherein, Matt and I talk about our Nerdapalooza adventures, bullshit about what we're drinking and everyone says "awwwww."
Even now I am weighing my PAX Prime 2011 travel options. For serious.
Track 7: Southside – "Radar
Though I failed to state this clearly during the recording session, Southside is my go-to band for drunken listening.
Track 8: Marc Gunn – "Beer, Beer, Beer
Marc kicks off a mini-set of explicitly booze-related offerings.
Track 9: Mary Prankster – "Tits & Whiskey
Matt says that this one was a bit of a local hit. I can only imagine what a radio edit of it would sound like.
Track 10: Illbotz – "The Pub That Had No Gin"
Illbotz are the only rap group I know that includes an Irish drinking song on their debut album. Well, I mean, them and House of Pain
Track 11: ComputeHer – "Dark Pub
From Computeher's latest Modemoiselle
Track 12: boot error clik – "Punch, UP"
If all goes according to plans, I'll be offering an exclusive boot error clik album for free download later this year!
3rd drunken interlude: Wherein Church joins us for the drunken revelry, I make my requisite John Waters joke
You can view Matt talking up nerdcore here, and here's more info on BitGen.
Track 13: Emergency Pizza Party – "Shine Avenue (TH3HT Dubstep Remix)"
Track 14: Epic-1 – "Drug of Choice (feat. STD, 1080IP, and ytcracker)"
Schaffer's "I wear a monkey like a backpack, damnit!" is easily one of the best nerdcore hip-hop/drug rock opening lines of all time.
Track 15: mc chris – "Han Solo"
mc has been doing a lot of these pop song parodies of late. I most definitely approve.
Track 16: Mighty Mike – "Fuck Henrietta (Cee Lo Green vs. The Fratellis)"
Traditionally, I favor the Drunken Podcasting Month play list with a "Gay Bar
Track 17: Laura Simpson – "Let's Get It On, Doctor"
I gotta give it up for Laura's The Ood Cast Album. It is filktastic. Consequently, it also Trocks.
Final drunken interlude: Wherein we get our shine on, Church realizes I that Han and "hon" are homophones in the Deep South and we discuss Tom Baker's fuckability.
The boys seem to believe that RFH needs more filk. What's your take on it?
Track 18: Shael Riley – "Margaritaville" / outtakes
I talk a lot about hanging out with Shael at Nerdapalooza in-show, so it's only fitting that he closes out the episode.
With Drunken Podcasting Month taken care of, I now look forward to October's Halloween Crap-tacular. As always, it'll boast two seasonally-themed episodes loaded with songs about monsters, cheesy horror movie dialog and candy corn. But mostly candy corn.
After that we'll hit episodes 99 and 100 in November. I anticipate the former will be a theme-free show, and the latter will be a listener-fueled retrospective. Please consider sending me voicemails or classic requests to make sure it doesn't suck!
Slaps icepack on head.
Yeah, and I got woke up at 8 AM by my kids the morning following recording... Ugh!
I have to be honest, I was expecting Church's voice to be more... surly.
Is it just me, or does it sound like Hidari is singing about having "Bieber fever?"
(Great show, as usual!)
And next year, you gotta end things with a 649. (One shot each from the sixth bottle on the left, the fourth bottle on the right, and the ninth on the left). Yes, it's random and usually disgusting.
I think we all expected him to be more... codgery, Maneius. ;)
And it's only because they are, Dave. Japan caught on to the Justin Bieber thing years before the rest of us!
Yeah, I suspected abandoning text was a mistake. I'm much harder to take seriously when you can actually hear me...
Especially when compared to the dulcet tones of myself and Mr. Sweeney. ;)
Hmm, Church, I probably take you as seriously as I did before.
All I have to add to that, Elke, is #bazinga!
Finally finished this yesterday! I love DPM. These are some of my favorite episodes that had me LOLing in the car. Yay for hearing Church and proving that he is not imaginary or a creature composed of pure energy living in the internet!
Glad we could provide that all-important work commute entertainment, Data! :D
MC Chris' "Han Solo" on an album or downloadable somewhere?
Actually, I found a link on youtube.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me/ I am Ernie's Rubber Duckie."
Man, I love me some Mary Prankster. Thanks for introducing me to this act (waaaaaaay back when you played "The World Is Full Of Bastards").
And yeah, I thought he was singing "Beiber, Beiber".
You know, Black Douglas, I'm not sure I'd have the balls to play that Prankster track in any podcast where I wasn't totally blitzed. ;)
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