I've been racking my brain trying to figure out a proper way to commemorate this event, and I think I've finally settled on a solution. The bad news is that it relies heavily on you.
What can I say? I am a lazy old man.
Essentially, what I'm asking for here is song requests. I do this regularly, but there's an added twist this time around. I want you to think back over the past five years' worth of episodes and point me toward your favorite tracks.
Did Radio Free Hipster help you discover a new artist or uncover a particularly tasty song? That's the kind of thing I'm looking for.
Best-case scenario: a dozen or so of you will each pick a jewel previously featured in the podcast and I'll use these to build a special fan-fueled retrospective episode. If you have anything else you'd like to add, you are also certainly encouraged to relay it to me through email or Google Voice. (Although I'll not hold my breath on that last part. I ain't no fuckin' Casey Kasem.)
As for the song requests, you can share those with me by commenting here, via Twitter or by using the aforementioned avenues of email/voicemail.
In closing, just let me thank you for listening. Without your kind attention I'm just some dude talking to himself. That's an early warning sign of schizophrenia, and I'm uninsured so, y'know, doubly bad.
something off War Amidst Pop Songs (I'm going to say, I Wish You'd Be My Witch)
And the need for an OR track goes with out saying, right?
um... gotta think on this one.
How about "Nerd News In Brief?" :P
Noted on both counts, Matt.
And Church, no one likes a smartass. ;) Seriously, though, I'm hoping to relaunch NNIB as a monthly news roundup next week.
Oh, man. Where do I even start? I've lost count of the dozens of artists I've discovered through RFH. Hell, I didn't even know Nerdcore EXISTED before I ran into this cast. So, yeah, Z, you're responsible, directly or indirectly, for probably half of the music I listen to currently. I'm working my way through Scrub Club's entire catalog. Oh, yeah, and I would never have found TheSixtyOne, either, (it came up when I did a search for Grammar Club), from which I've gleaned the other half of my current musical selections.
Crap on a stick, I just realized you've taken over MY ENTIRE MUSICAL LIFE! You sneaky bastard!
So.... yeah. I guess it doesn't matter what you play, does it. >_<
Here are a couple of finds that I didn't really "discover" till RFH:
Dr. Awkward
Mister B, the Gentleman Rhymer
10000 Spoons - Astley Gone to Heaven
Still working on this....
What's the deadline?
Thanks, Oberon! You are too kind!
Thanks for the mash-up request, Soc. I haven't gotten many of those yet.
Just get 'em to me by October, Data, and we'll be good. :)
Hey Z,
Long time listener, first time poster.
Anything from Beefy is good, but I'm rather partial to The Grammar Club - Balloon Flight at the moment.
You also introduced me to nerdy music, first through GeekDad, then through your blog. Do you accept random facebook friend requests from fans of yours?
Thanks for all of your hard work on your blog and podcast.
Duly noted, GoaB! And to answer your question, I accept random Facebook friend requests almost exclusively! ;)
*ears pick up*
Are you a Carter fan Z?
So, depending upon how you choose to read the above, I either missed the deadline or beat it significantly. Either way I have an excuse.
I couldn't choose one. Sorry Z I tried and it is just not possible. You may as well ask me to choose one food to eat for the rest of my life. My response will obviously be to self-bludgeon until consciousness is no longer problematic.
So I did the best I could do and I chose one per episode, which is hard enough. Where necessary I went back and re-listened to many episodes, hence the lag. Here 'tis: http://goo.gl/1lsf
I am familiar with Carter USM, Anarchangel. :)
That was very thorough, Data. Very through.
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