My only complaint is, unlike the Kiss Army, the Third Nerd Army doesn't provide its members with wicked-awesome patches to sew on their denim jackets. I'm just sayin'.
In all seriousness, though, The Functional Nerds is a damn fine podcast, and it's one of only a handful of projects that promotes nerdy culture as a cohesive whole. The guys're heavily focused on sci-fi and fantasy, of course, but everything from gaming and comics to music and con life get proper representation. It's truly an equal opportunity geek out.
Theoretically I was invited on to talk about nerd music, and we certainly covered that subject, but it was far more your typical soulless Q&A session. Instead John, Patrick and I drifted between subjects like the importance of Doctor Demento, mash-ups, Yngwie Malmsteen's leather pants, Gandalf the Grey Syndrome, 4-tracks and tales of convention woe.
Suffice it to say the conversation was organic.
As I said, I had a great time recording with the guys, and I totally plan to take them up on their offer to return at a later date. Give episode 12 of The Funcitonal Nerds, which features little ol' me, a listen if you feel so inclined. I think you'll find it entertaining, enlightening and, most importantly, dork as fuck.
Man, I miss my Kiss Army patch.
But how much cooler would it've been with John Anealio in Ace's makeup? #thirdnerdarmy
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