Pretty awesome, innit? I know I'm excited.
What's more exciting is that the Former Fat Boys are holding a little contest related to the film.
From now until April 17th, fans are asked to promote the band's new single "7 Evil Exes" via Twitter. In a very particular manner.
Copy and paste the following tweet as many times as you like between now and then for a chance to win some pretty sweet prizes:
@edgarwright @nigelgod PUT @formerfatboys song “7 Evil Exes” on Scott Pilgrim soundtrack! Listen HERE: #ffbvsworld
I'll let FFB explain the specifics:
Edgar Wright (@edgarwright) = the director of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (and such classics as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz)
Nigel Godrich (@nigelgod) = arguably the most famous music producer in the world. cough Radiohead cough.
Make sure to include #ffbvsworld, that's how we're keeping track of the entries. Tell your friends, post a link to on your Facebook as well. Enter as many times as you want. It'd be insane to get this to be a trending topic.So there you go. Help the Former Fat Boys promote their new joint and maybe, just maybe worm their way on the Scott Pilgrim
-Rocky Loves Emily (Our First CD)
-Roostledoodledoo (Our Ringtone Album)
-Wii Wiish You A Merry Christmas (Our Christmas Album)
-I'm A Dinosaurus, Hard Corey, Barack Out With Your Cock Out, and Former Fat Boys logo T-Shirts
-The Enormous Adventures of the Guys Gone Wild (Our sketch comedy DVD)
-$157 Cash Grand Prize
If your tweet is retweeted by @edgarwright or @nigelgod, you will instantly unlock a prize of $207.
If we get notice from @nigelgod and @edgarwright that they're checking out the song it will unlock a prize of $207.
If the song makes it into the movie by some magic luck, we'll give one winner $777.
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