While there's no surefire key to success, a good method for artists looking to cultivate a strong relationship with potential fans is what I like to call the here's-some-free-shit approach.
Allow me to explain: an artist makes new, quality content available for free from his site, and encourages listeners to root around in his catalog. Only then, after these casual observers have become full-fledged fans content in the knowledge that the artist truly has a product of interest, does our hero offer for-pay material.
Recently, John Anealio, one of my favorite purveyors of geeky guitar rock, has taken the plunge into phase 2 of this model. His venture into the world of the full album release is dubbed Sci Fi Songs after the music blog at which John does the bulk of his nerdy songwriting.
The album collects 11 of John's most popular and most polished tracks into one shiny, affordable package. Moreover, it does so in such a way as to highlight Anealio's folksy, rootsy style while summarily affording a satisfying arc relating a series of fairly disparate works.
The disc opens with "The Return of Titus Quinn," a brief alternate-tuned acoustic instrumental that centers on the protagonist from Kay Kenyon's Bright of the Sky. As this represents John's first serious attempt at the solo acoustic instrumental, it's an excellent jumping-off point and a charmingly atmospheric track to boot.
From there he gets all poppy and waxes poetic about the trials of robot hunter Rick Deckard in the Philip K. Dick
He briefly loses me with the ever-popular "Cylon #6," which, while both centered on the crown jewel of current sci-fi nerd series and possessing a fantastic rhythmic movement, puts me off a bit with some awkward wording. Still, it's a fine lead-in to the undeniable "Summer Glau," a filk track conceived by SF Signal's John DeNardo, but skillfully retooled with an original melody by Anealio himself.
John marks the half-way point with the Anne Rice-inspired "Angels & Vampires," a joint that showcases his smooth vocals on an unforgettable chorus. Thereafter he smooths things out with the masterful musical storytelling of "Lonesome October Night" – based on Roger Zelazny's satirical swansong A Night in the Lonesome October
"Sarene," alternately, is a rocked-up love song from the mind of Brandon Sanderson, and plays nicely against the somber "Merithyn's Promise," another solo acoustic track based on Requiem for the Sun
With the obvious exception of the odd rushed syllable, there's really nothing to not to love about Sc Fi Songs (even for my particular ass). I mean, sure, I would've love to have heard some of John's heavily electronic work included or possibly a remix of one of his more popular songs, but, by and large, it’s a well-hewn collection of geek folk favorites.
It's available from CD Baby for a mere 10 bones – 8 if your just looking for a digital version – and I'd say it would go a long way in adding some additional variety to your nerdy music collection. In fact, I dig the album so much that I'm gonna give a copy away to one lucky reader!
Just head over to John's blog or the CD Baby album page and do a little digging. Then come back here and post a comment naming your favorite John Anealio original, cover or fan remix. I'll pull a winner at random next week and send him/her a shiny new copy of the disc… and maybe some Hipster, please! goodies to boot!
So go give Anealio's stuff a listen. It will surely soothe your sci-fi soul.
"I book a hotel room, I hope she gets here soon/ I've got three androids to retire."
"George R. R. Martin is not Your Bitch"
Although it can be emnarassing when I start singing it spontaneously. (And not just because I can't sing.)
His cover of Dr Roboto is a fantastic reinterpretation, it really brings out the emotion of the song in a way that the New Wave dance beat of the original doesn't.
I'm not sure if it can beat out Rachel Rosen though. Such a catchy chorus! I wish someone would make a vid as they did for Summer Glau ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdquWzISMq4 ).
I reckon my favourite (so far) is Rachel Rosen, which is weird, because I've never actually seen Blade Runner.
Cylon #6, is very attractive and my jam
I'd name The Millennium Falcon for Christmas as a great song
Mine is "Summer Glau"
I miss firefly sooo much and she rocked in Dollhouse. What's next?
I like the folksy version of the Transformers theme song. Probably the most relaxing song I've heard that involves giant robots.
George RR Martin is not your Bitch
Because I suggested he right a song about this and the results are awesome.
Game over, lads, and random.org says Anarchangel wins! Send me an email with your shipping deets, AA, and I'll ship you your CD. :)
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