Justin was one of many new friends I made at Nerdapalooza '08 – he also holds the hotly contested record for possessing the least attractive picture of yours truly, but that's neither here nor there – and he recently shared with me his own triumphant tale of matrimonial bliss.
Justin and his new bride Exxa tied the knot earlier this month, and my boy managed to insert some nerdy swagger into the proceedings. Not only did he sport purple Chucks with his tuxedo and spring for a custom-sculpted cake topper (procured, of course, via eBay), but he rocked a boutonnière made from a re-purposed ASUS GeForce Ti 4400 video card!
Also, the happy couple's last dance was to "With You
by Chicago chip-rocker I Fight Dragons. Impressive, no?
I mean, it's easy to be a dork in your everyday, when you're in your cube or leveling up in W.O.W., but keeping shit nerdy on your wedding day requires a special kind of dedication. And deserves a special kind of commendation.
So please join me in wishing Justin and Exxa the heartiest of congratulations, and saluting their continued commitment to nerd life and nerd love.
Congrats you two, it sounds like you will go far!
I love it!
Congratulations, and way to tie the knot in style ;)
Z, are you not doing the "Earl Hickey"?
Way to step it up you two.
Thanks everyone! :)
Thanks for joining in, lads!
Data, you've got your work cut out for you when your day arrives! ;)
And yeah, funk, I pulled an Earl. :(
Good to hear of a good nerdy wedding. We inserted nerdery into our ceremony last year by dancing our first dance to Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - because who doesn't love a song about robots.
Nice one, Alex! Have you heard the Yoshimi mash-up album?
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