Still, sometimes my friends – those folks whose artistic exploits serve as my typical blog fodder – go off and do something selfless, something that gives me pause to reflect. This is one of those times.
Both Grace, the dulcimer-slinging Wizard Rocker known as Snidget (and affectionately referred to around here as "Snidge"), and Matt, my blogging brother from free-geek (affectionately referred to as "Matt"), have elected to take part in this year’s St. Baldrick’s fundraiser. The gist of which, for those not in the know, is as follows: "volunteers shave their heads in solidarity of children with cancer, while requesting donations of support from friends and family."
Yep, they are shaving their heads. For money. For a good cause. Instead of just, like, getting really drunk and doing it on a dare like most people.
Now I’m certainly not going to ask anyone to shave their heads, as that is some serious shit, but I will ask readers to considered donating a little money to the cause. Seriously, y’all, do we really want Matt and Snidge to shave their noggins for nothing? Take a gander at this one. Without hair he’s gonna look like just another Charm City dive bar bouncer. Ain't that worth a few bucks? Plus, it’s for a good cause: helping sick kids.
In fact, it occurs to me now that I have a couple dozen Hipster, please! stickers left over, so if you do take it upon yourself to give, whether it be to Matt, Grace, or some other shavee, I’ll be more than happy to send you one as a small token of my gratitude. Just shoot me a message with your mailing addy.
I'd also like to encourage those within driving distance to head over to Fast Eddie's in Centreville, VA on March 15 at 3:00 PM to bid a fond adieu to Matt and Gracie's lovely locks. You get bonus points if you provide me with pics/video.
Donation links:
Also adding my pal Colonel Panic to the list! :)
"Darlin' don't you go and cut your hair / Do you think it's gonna make him change?" --Pavement
Thanks man!
Z - I am also taking part in this awesome charity: http://www.tinyurl.com/geoffheadshave
Argh 3 people to donate to!? Who to choose? Hope you guys don't mind if I just give a little to each of you :)
Not a problem, Matt! Glad to help, bro.
You too, CP? Good for you. I'll add you to the list.
You're a good man, Jimi!
Z, you are the best. :D
Thanks for the support!
Hey, *you're* the one shaving her head for charity, Snidge! :)
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