And with the dissolution of, the future of those surviving members of that oft-tumultuous family unit seemed a great question mark. Would RT

Helmed by a new consortium of tech-savvy rap dorks and nestled snuggly at the similar (but just different enough to make a difference), a new RT is poised to continue the longhead tradition of nerdcore compilation albums. And probably a little drama too, but, again, it comes with the territory.
The first musical offering from this aspect of the community comes in the form of Rhyme Torrents Volume 7, a two-disk collection that became available last weekend. Mastered by EMPulse Record’s The HT, RT7 boasts slicker production, higher bitrates, and contributions from Magitek, Antisoc, ZeaLouS1, Random, id obelus, The Ranger, and many more. But most importantly, the comp is still free!
Take a moment to download this newest iteration of the nerdy mixtape. I assure you’ll find something to your liking.
I would like to congratulate Don Vito for stepping up and sorting this out for us. his dedication to the genre has never been disputed, despite one or two beefs, but this was above and beyond the call of duty.
Tributes should be forthcoming!
Well said, MisterB, DON VITO,'s mysterious benefactor, has done a great job pulling this project together. As nerdcore artists are the testy sort, there are bound to be clashes and beefs, but DV has soldiered on. Respect.
This is a freakin' great release. Top notch effort from all parties involved.
Psst! Z! Update your sidebar link. *points*
I was really happy with how the album turned out. The quality of the tracks were very good. (probably not mine so much...) It was a fun project to be a part of and release my first full track. Thanks Don Vito! And thanks to you Z for writing about it.
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