Okay, that’s bullshit. The truth is I’ve developed a fairly nasty infection due to a rogue wisdom tooth and, since the others are more than likely conspirators in this mutiny, I’ve elected to have ‘em all extracted at once. The procedure is scheduled for early tomorrow morning, and safe money says that this’ll be my last blog post for the week.
On the off chance that I do post something, odds are it’ll be a drug-addled rambling about how I am the living embodiment of Zolthar, pagan god of lawn furniture… or… y’know… Tommy Stinson. So I guess that’s something we can all look forward to.
In the meantime, please continue to share your thoughts on the most recent podcast, pass on info concerning any nerdy happenings I might’ve missed, and feel free to lavish me with extravagant get-well gifts.
Y’all wish me luck.

Let this be a lesson to you. Don't fuck with Z. Boy's ready to yank out his teeth because they looked at him funny.
And hey, I always wondered what happened to Tommy.
Have at 'em, Z. Remember, they started this!
On the off chance that I do post something, odds are it’ll be a drug-addled rambling about how I am the living embodiment of Zolthar, pagan god of lawn furniture…
I dunno what "Z." stood for before, but from now on I'm going to assume it's "Zolthar."
You show those teeth who's boss.
Yeah, Matt, Guns 'N' Roses may not be the ideal place for him, but at least Tommy's getting a paycheck.
Started it they did, Church, and modern medicine will finish it!
Drats, Jason! You've uncovered my secret! ;)
Thanks for the support, fellas. I appreciate it.
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