Friday, October 27, 2006

BoCon 2006

Greetings, my loyal nerdy constituents.

I am, at present, putting the final touches on my third October feature, but I wanted to take a moment to hip anyone in the Boise area to a little gig news that you may be unaware of.

This weekend, BoCon 2006 will be held at the Visual Arts Collective, and the Saturday night show will feature nerdcore superheroes MC Plus+, MC Router, and Beefy. For those not in the know, BoCon is an open-source cultural event. In this sense, open-source refers not only to software, but also to music, art, and digital works in general. The main focus of the con is “to demonstrate how creative individuals can build successful careers through collaboration and sharing.”

That’s an idea that I can definitely get behind, and I imagine many of you can as well. So, if you happen to be in the area, why not check out BoCon. And if you do, give lots of love to Beefy, Plus+, and Router.


Anonymous said...


mc router. beefy. mc plus +.

Z. said...

Great pic, Router. Thanks for sharing!