Other than my own exceptional personal level of sloth, there is another obstacle that impedes Hipster, please! joining the podcast revolution™: There are many, many podcasts currently available and the vast majority of them just don’t appeal to me. Between the sound quality, the subject matter, and the lack of preparation/structure, the standard podcast, for me at least, lacks much to be desired. Y’all know that I don’t like to hate, but with so many podcasts out there, it seemed for a long while that I was always coming across the ones with minimal appeal. I sometimes fear that, were I to contribute, I would simply add to this glut.
There are, however, some notable exceptions. Within the past several months I’ve been fortunate enough to come across several that really do it for me. I always find myself anxiously awaiting the next editions of the following podcasts. They display the kind of attitude, attention to detail, and overall personality that, should I actually begin this undertaking, I hope that I could personal bring to a regular podcast. If you believe any of these would interest you, then by all means check them out. And feel free to recommend other jewels that I may have heretofore overlooked.

This was the first podcast that I ever made a concerted effort to stay on top of and not simply because the focus of the show is on gaming. Cheapy and Wombat come off as genuinely likeable guys who actually know what the hell they’re talking about. Cheapy takes care to prepare show notes beforehand so that he and his co-host can have some semblance of flow and structure. Interestingly enough, even on the occasions when Cheapy doesn’t do his homework the show still works: the chemistry between he and Wombat is just that good. CAGcast exists to supplement that CAG community, and, as a fairly longstanding member of that community, I can say with some certainty that it succeeds. Even when the show diverges into the personal lives of the hosts, it manages to stay interesting. Here I could recount a tale scatological horror that Cheapy related from his Tokyo hideaway just weeks ago, but you’d do better to get it from the horse’s mouth.
Radio Clash – Shortly after discovering the CAGcast I found myself bored and listless at work.

Radio Clash is a (usually) weekly podcast by a delightful Englishman named Tim. Tim is a designer by trade, but he’s also a mash-up artist (who sometimes boots under the moniker Instamatic). He has a real passion for music and is quite knowledgeable. Despite his personal protests to the contrary, he is often touted as our generation’s John Peel. Though I can only speak from personal experience, I have to agree that Tim has turned me on to a great many artists and more than a couple of genres, disseminating his love for varying styles and sounds in a very Peel-like fashion.
Though the original focus of Radio Clash was on mash-ups and bootleg culture, Tim doesn’t discriminate. He’s featured everything from country to metal and all points in-between. He even threw in some nerdcore on his alt.alt.alt.rap show at my request. His love of music and his appreciation of his listeners make this a podcast not to be missed. And, lest I forget to mention, the sound quality is excellent.
If CAGcast made me realize that there were podcasts out there that genuinely appealed to me, then Radio Clash showed me that a music-centered ‘cast was not only plausible, but that it could provide a damn fine alternative to the shit that you’re served on a silver platter by corporate radio and MTV.

Every GoNintendo listener has his or her favorite team member: the young fellows love that fiery Nintenho, the jokers and smokers love Lube’s half-drunken ramblings, personally, I’m a fan of the good-natured and matronly tones of MomBrain, but we can all agree that it’s ‘Meat’s jovial personality and tireless work that keeps the site and the podcast running. Sure, sometimes the sound may be a little off, and the dialogue may wander, but the GoNintendo crew bust ass to provide more exclusive content and Nintendo love than any other podcast I’ve come across.
Just Another Lazy Podcast – As a

Beefy also seems to have a definite agenda with his podcast: make with the funny, play a couple songs, and the get the hell out. A usual edition of JALP lasts only a half-hour, and that’s important to me. I like that the crew keeps things brief and makes a concerted effort not to overdo it. It’s refreshing to have a podcast that I can listen to start-to-finish during my morning commute.
And those are the four podcasts that I truly enjoy. Likewise, each taught me something about the fine art and delicate science of podcasting: CAGcast enlightened me to the importance of preparation and proper planning, Radio Clash showed me that the secret to making a good music-based podcast was to expand horizons without compromising integrity, GoNintendo explained that making the listener feel like an intrinsic part of the process goes a long way in establishing a podcaster-listener bond, and Just Another Lazy Podcast demonstrated that fun, quick, and dirty always makes for excellent listening.
Will I actually launch a Hipster, please! podcast? Who knows. If so, will I apply any of this abstruse knowledge? I sure as hell hope so. The only thing worse than a shitty podcast is a shitty podcast no one listens to.
so make with the podcasts already! i was thinking about doing one myself, but decided I didn't have anything to say...
Thanks for the vote o’ confidence, Ben. I’ve actually got a song list and some show notes that I worked up right here in front of me. There are still a few kinks to work out, but it’s looking like “Radio Free Hipster” might actually happen.
always remember:
yahoo messenger w/voice + voice chat + recording with "stereo mix" on your sound card = long-distance audio interviews.
for future reference. ^_^
Just showing the love to whence ‘tis warranted, Beef.
And thanks for the tip, Ben. I’ll put that shit in the bank.
thank you for the very nice review.
I'm not worthy etc. *blushes*
I only give credit where it’s due, Tim, and you’re show is continually top-notch!
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