Lovingly crafted by Sci-Fried's own KSV, it's an epic tale of… epicness provided freely for your amusement. It also contains what is likely my favorite disclaimer of all time:
Many of you playing this game will actually be in it somewhere. Do not read too much into your role in the game. If you have a small part, I don't think you're unimportant. If you die, it doesn't mean I hate you. If you die easily, it doesn't mean I think you're a wuss. It's a game. If I made it accurate, it would be boring.
But enough of my idle bullshittin'! Take a moment to download it from the band's official web site. Enjoy the nostalgic visuals, the midi-style Sci-Fried tunage and the utter lunacy of a game in which you must learn to play piano in order to free Dr. Vern.
Also be sure to check out the band at next month's Nerdapalooza festival in Orlando. They will be onstage rocking it out. And, if history has taught us anything, I will be offstage drinking their beer.
That's so cool! Good old Sci Fried
Salt o' the earth they are, Jimi. Salt o' the earth!
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