The song selection, on the other hand, was a breeze. I mentioned in passing that I was taking request, and many of you let your voices be heard. Thankfully, these requests seemed to flow well with the tracks I already had earmarked for the show, and I'm pretty pleased with the final product.
Please let me know if you feel the same.
Download Radio Free Hipster Ep. 106: Just Because [hosting provided by Antisoc] Size: 43.4 MB Running Time: 47:28
Show Notes:
Intro: Baddd Spellah – "Radio Free Hipster Theme (feat. Beefy)"
Because you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Track 1: Kirby Krackle bumper / Kirby Krackle – "On and On
Much love to Jim and Kyle for the intro bumper!
Z's 1st interlude: "Here's a brand new track that needs no introduction."
On account of it supplies its own.
Track 2: Mike Relm – "SCOTT PILGRIM 'Threshold 8 bit' vs. Ludacris 'How Low'"
Both Luda and @DataVortex are based out of Atlanta. Coincidence? I would imagine so.
Track 3: Harry and the Potters – "Horcruxes
@kdnewton wanted some Wizard Rock, and I was more than happy to oblige.
Track 4: Parks and Recreation dialog / ZeaLouS1 – "Next Gen 2. (feat. Dr. Awkward)"
Several people asked for something from the new ZeaLouS1… as if I wasn't gonna play that shit anyway!
Track 5: crashfaster – "time"
crashfaster's disconnect EP is phenomenal. Any and all chiptune fans need to check it out.
Track 6: Powerglove – "The Simpsons (feat. Tony Kakko)
Blame the inclusion of this delightful piece of lunacy on @Proz.
Track 7: mashmike – "I Want You 2 Want Me (Rihanna and Drake vs. Cheap Trick vs. Fat Joe vs. Busta Rhymes)"
How could I not play a Cheap Trick mash-up?
Z's 2nd interlude: "I'm not gonna bore you with any more talk."
The fact that my recording rig was moments away from going tits-up may or may not have contributed to this.
Track 8: Action Adventure World vs. The Plasmas – "They Kidnapped The Princess (Intro)"
@btypemusic asked for some Action Adventure World. I gave him The Plasmas at no additional cost.
Track 9: Being Human dialog / Beefy vs. Mikal kHill – "Sidekick (kHillmix)"
Been sitting on this little beauty since last episode.
Track 10: Chipocrite – "Bizarre Love Triangle"
As featured in a certain wildly popular YouTube vid.
Track 11: oki – "Bizarre Bottom Girls"
This seemed to be the only logical follow-up.
Track 12: Terp 2 It – "Backpack
New listener David mentioned he was a fan of Terp, so I promised I'd toss him into the mix.
Z's final interlude: "Closing us out today is a special treat."
I get a lot of pre-release versions of upcoming albums, but it's rare the performers actually let me share 'em early.
Track 13: Sci-Fried – "Invasion"
You don't expect a southern geek rock band to bust out an electronic tribute to War of the Worlds, which is yet another fine example of the genius of Sci-Fried.
And that's another show in the bag.
It's kind of strange when I spell it out like this, but while the podcast creation is much more involved now than in its early years I have to admit that I enjoy it in spite of the hardships. Even more now than then, in fact.
I sometimes wonder what I'll do when I retire from this particular project, but I know I'll always want to do something along the lines of Radio Free Hipster.
Well, as long as there are a couple of people still interested in listening. ;)
Love it! A couple new tracks for me too. Thanks for another outstanding episode and for playing my request.
My pleasure, DV, and thanks (as always) for your support! :)
Looking forward to listening to this tomorrow at work!
Z - I just learned of a new nerd rock band called The Final Five ( Guess what they sing about? Google magic told me you haven't used them on a podcast yet and they're pretty great. They're songs are incredibly short though, they average under 1 minute with one exception, which is basically a melodic reading of Hybrid output with a chorus, so I don't know how well they'd work on the show.
That Mike Relm mash-up has kinda become the unofficial soundtrack to my dissertation.
I'll probably hate it by the end of the month.
Thanks for the heads-up re: The Final Five, @my. I will definitely check 'em out!
That Relm track is pretty epic, Maneius, and your dissertation deserves no less. ;)
Sci Fried are great :D
They are, Jimi. Hoping to have my review of the new disc up later this week.
Thanks for playing Invasion. Chuck and I had a lot of fun making that track. Used the original 1938 broadcast. Love looking backwards at the future.
Another great episode, Z! Keep on keepin' on!
Thanks for linking (ba-boom) to that Zelda trailer too. I hadn't seen it before and I loved it!!
I'll second the "Invasion" love -- that's a great track. Props, Jim and Chuck.
You guys really knocked it out of the park with that one, Jim. And listen to this week's GeekDad HipTrax 'cast for more Sci-Fried love. :)
I hesitated to link to it, but I knew some folks hadn't found it yet. Glad I could point you in the right direction, Anarchangel.
Well said, Tom.
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