This leaves me very little time to spotlight some of the new hotness, but I've done my best to pack this episode with brand new tracks that are ripe for the picking and a few older joints that you may have missed.
Download Radio Free Hipster Ep. 99: Bad Manners [hosting provided by Antisoc] Size: 46 MB Running Time: 50:20 Subscribe to RFH
Show Notes:
Intro: Baddd Spellah – "Radio Free Hipster Theme (feat. Beefy)"
There are few things more rewarding than having a custom-made podcast theme by two of your favorite artists.
Track 1: Supercommuter – "Robot Party"
Believe it or not, this is from Supercommuter's very first gig.
Z's 1st interlude: "We are gonna move from chip-hop to geek rock."
Which won't likely surprise you.
Track 2: Nuclear Bubble Rap – "Inyourendo
Once again just let me pause to give it up for the FuMP community.
Track 3: Marc with a C – "Bed Intruder Song"
For anyone who may have somehow missed this whole thing, here's a breakdown.
Track 4: Billy the Fridge – "Armstrong"
If we all join hands and wish really hard will Billy put out a follow-up album already?
Track 5: DJ Lobsterdust – "Knock Out Eileen"
The juxtaposition of Kevin Rowland
Track 6: Dr. Octoroc – "Bad Horse Chorus"
I remain convinced that Dr. Oct is incapable of creating a bad track.
Track 7: Mr. B, The Gentleman Rhymer – "Beats, Rhymes & Manners"
Because we Yanks can never get enough chap-hop.
Track 8: Tom Milsom – "Bad Wolf Bay"
From Tom's free Trockstuff EP.
Track 9: SJ the Wordburglar – "Wordburglar
This collab with Beatmason led to the eventual adoption of "The Wordburglar" as SJ's official moniker.
Z's 2nd interlude: "The 2003 Hand'Solo compilation from whence it originated."
Pick up Bassments of Badmen 2
Track 10: Kirby Krackle – "Marvelous Girls
From the band's self-titled debut
Track 11: Urizen – "A New Revelation
For fans of heavy metal, robots and cardboard boxes.
Track 12: C3PO – "C3PO Rap"
Blame Church.
Track 13: Desert Planet – "Return of the Ninja Droids
Big ups to DataVortex for turning me on to this one.
Track 14: Adam WarRock – "Up and Adam
An amazing cut from his phenomenal The War for Infinity
Z's final interlude: "And that actually plays into our closer."
Inverse Phase's cover of "Fuck You" is a thing of beauty.
Track 15: The Kleptones – "Jump You Fucker"
This is the second mash-up featuring elements of Van Halen's "Jump" that I've played in recent months.
I only have one new order of business, and it is as follows.
I already have my preliminary list of song requests and voicemails to be included in episode 100 – would you like me to share it with you (so that you can make some last-minute requests if your faves have not yet been represented), or would you rather be surprised?
Totally your call.
I read the show notes before listening anyways, so I don't mind seeing a list of what you've got in mind.
I too read before listening... and I blame Church for that too.
THANK YOU for putting SJ the WordBurglar into the mix. I think he's got some hip trax and does wonders for the indie hip hop scene and canadian rappers :)
I usually end up reading the notes first. I listen pretty much exclusively in the car, so unless the podcast pops up unexpectedly on my Android phone, I will see the site update first. I'm actually only about 1/3 of the way through this episode right now...
I think a list would be pretty cool. Mostly I am just curious about what other listeners wanted. I probably don't have much to add. I should leave a voicemail, but I suck at that sort of thing...
Seems as though we have a fairly clear winner here - I'll try and get a teaser track list up next week. Thanks for the input, lads.
Great episode, Z!
I had missed the Bed Intruder meme, so thanks for the link!
I love that Lobsterdust mashup, and the Tom Milson track. I've finally watched up to the end of Season four of the new Doctor Who series, so I finally feel like I'm ready to start listening to some Trock... like that Oodcast album you linked to a while ago!
You missed the RFH tag on this ep, btw.
I knew somebody somewhere had managed to avoid the whole Bed Intruder thing thus far, AA. Glad you found the link helpful.
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