Unfortunately, I’ve recently found my one nugget of unabashed “A” material to be, for lack of a better word, neutered.

A quick glance at Chop Suey’s calendar reveals that on the 30th mc will share the gig with mere “Special Guests,” and that makes me a very sad panda. True, with me being a literal nation away from the show, I shouldn’t have much of a vested interest in the lineup, but, at the same time, the very idea of that rare amalgamation of mc’s frenetic tenor and Wheelie’s bassy brogue couldn’t help but thrill me.
So, essentially, I guess today’s news is that there is no news. Or, at least, that the news that was is no longer... If you get my meaning.
Sure, mc chris is back on tour, and that is undeniably awesome. And, of course, Optimus Rhyme will surely rock Seattle to its molten core with the release of their new album; that too is fuckin’ phenomenal. But, sadly, these two events – which together would have surely coalesced to form a perfect storm of nerdcore goodness – are now entirely disparate.
Oh, Discordia!
Z, we've talked before about priorities. First site, then family, then work. Get it straight!
I'll let it slide this time, but in the future clear all these things with me first.
Seriously, have fun at the beach. Don't get eaten by a shark and remember that nerds don't do well when faced with a lot of sun.
I know, Matt, and thanks for letting me slide by on this one. ;)
Trust me, I’ll be sure y’all have plenty to read/listen to while I’m gone!
Chris will still be rocking a show with at Passout Records (in Brooklyn) this saturday afternoon though.
Oh, and MC Router will be doing a free show this sunday in Forth Worth at the Fort Worth Weekly Music Award Showcase in The Embargo.
She'll be on right at 6pm prompt.
Thanks for the heads-up, Doc! I dropped in a plug for Router's gig earlier, and I'll be sure to pimp the chris/Front show tomorrow.
Incidently, I really want a "Where's Wheelie?" book.
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