Last night my nerdcore brothers and sisters from across the very breadth of the
Yes, I’m well aware that everyone already knows this, but I just wanted to give a shout out to the crew and to tell them to break many-a leg. Furthermore, I wanted to wish Dan and his cohorts the best with regards to the screening.
I may not be there in body, but I am with you in spirit. Ben Kenobi-style.

Didn't I hear something about the CES show being recorded for later broadcast on the web? Any word on that?
If I wasn't so slammed at work, I would have given a lot more thought to going to this. Especially since Nerdcore anywhere near DC is hopeless.
Matt, I'm with you (and not far from you.) If there's going to be a webbish version, I'd expect this to show up on Stage6 (Z, make note. Google is your friend...)
It would have be awesome to be there. damn spacetime
Damn spacetime, indeed. :(
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