Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wherein I beg for assistance

Dear Internet,

Please don’t revoke my geek card or anything, but I need your help. You see, the new firmware update for the EZFlashV, my DS slot 1 solution of choice, is now available and it includes auto DLDI patching for homebrew games. I love me some homebrew games and I’m really, really jazzed about the option of not having to patch the damn things manually.

Unfortunately, I’m currently using version 1.66, and the 1.7 kernel (AKA: the new hotness) includes the bootstrap loader updater that requires I follow some very specific instructions so as not to brick my card.

Said instructions are, sadly, less than clear. Observe:

Bootstrap loader upgrade instruction

Don't extract the EZ5SYS.BIN in the 1.68 package to your MicroSD root folder unless you already meet the condition 1 and 2

1. Your EZ5 cart must already updated to boot from EZ5SYS.bin. if you used the EZ5SYS.bin rename to EZ5UPLDR.bin update before. please update the smaller EZ5UPLDR.bin in the 1.68 package. the bootstrap loader update will not start unless the cart use the EZ5SYS.bin boot method.

2. Charge your DS power to full, connected with a charger will be better.

3. After you meet the above two conditions, extract the EZ5SYS.bin to your MicroSD root folder, put MicroSD into EZ5, EZ5 into DS, power up EZ5 as usual, the upgrade process will automatic start check the bootstrap loader version and upgrade. the process cost 3-5 seconds, Don't power off warning will displayed on the screen. power off DS while upgrade in the processing will cause your EZ5 cart bricked permanently. EZ5 will boot in desktop after upgrade. you can safe power off your DS now.

4. to verify the bootstrap loader version. just check the EZ5 boot menu by boot up EZ5 while R key pressed.
Black BG and big white font means older version, deepblue BG and small white font means new version.

5. Upgrade prcess only show one time, once you upgraded sucessful, it never show up again. please use 1.68 kernel as usual. even rename it and flash it to chip will be ok.

Since I don’t speak English as a second language as a second language, that all seems a little opaque to me. Anyone care to explain ‘em to poor little clueless me?

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.


Anthony said...

best advice I can give is hit these boards http://gbatemp.net/index.php?act=idx
and ask for help in there. Either that or sell your flash card for an R4DS which is what I use, and is much more user friendly. I had the EZ also, and i could not decrypt it's coded tutorials either

Z. said...

Thanks, Ant. I actually looked around on the GBATemp boards a lot over the weekend, but could never find a clearer explanation. I really like my EZ Flash, as the 3-in-1 works so perfectly with it, but it does have some sketchy instructions. :)

funky49 said...

There is this one Star Trek TNG book I read a long time ago. In it, an alien race said that asking for help was a sign of intelligence.


Z. said...

And who am I to argue with TNG? Thanks, funk. :)